Thursday, August 21, 2008

I've noticed in my past few years how convenient and how much the internet has grown. We have access to information from every corner of the earth about everything known to man at our fingertips. I am thoroughly impressed by the internet, however, the one piece of information that I know I cannot find on the internet is the identity of the Savior.

I read an article about Jesus on wikipedia which was full of information but did not prove he was the Savior or God in the flesh. It only suggested that that may be what most Christians believe.

I've actually looked up Jesus Christ on many websites and in many history books but they all say the samething. He is an important figure in many religions who some people believe to be
God, to some a prophet, to some a rebel, and to others a fictional character. In the end nothing could prove that he is or isn't God and our Savior.

I challenge anyone to think about this when they decide to type Christ Ahnsahnghong in Google or Yahoo. Ask yourself if you can trust a website whether written by scholars or a 12 year old kid to tell you who God is.

God has always been and always will be in the Bible. If anyone really wants to know about Christ Ahnsahnghong or Heavenly Mother, check the Bible because they wrote it and it's all about Them.